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发布时间:2013-01-07  点击数:

PhD Studentship/Master Assistantship in the University of Macau

PhD Studentships and Master Assistantships provide opportunities for excellent students to study for their PhD and Master degrees in Structural Engineering in the University of Macau.

PhD Studentship

One PhD Studentship is available for a PhD student who is interested in the research of steel and stainless steel structures, which will involve experimental and numerical investigation. Applicants with relevant research experience as well as competency and interest in both experimental and numerical work will be given preference. They must also fulfill the PhD admission requirement (details can be found from http://www.umac.mo/grs/admissions.html).:

The PhD studentship recipient can be offered a monthly stipend of MOP 9,500.00 (for a period of 3 years) plus Tuition Fee Exemption.

Master Assistantship

One Master Assistantship is available for a master student who is interested in the research of steel and stainless steel structures, which will involve experimental and/or numerical investigation. The studentship recipient can be offered a monthly stipend of MOP 7,500.00 (for a period of 2 years), which can cover tuition fee and living expense.

Application of Studentships

To apply for studentships or assistantships, the applicant can directly contact Dr. Wai-Meng QUACHand submit his/her resume and the scanned copy of the transcripts to Dr. Wai-Meng QUACHthrough e-mail address ( wmquach@umac.mo ) before 29 March 2013.

Application of Postgraduate Programme Admission

To apply for the PhD and Master Degree programs, the applicant can complete the application form online through the following website, within the application period (from 02 January to 29 March 2013):


2013/2014學年之博士學位*、碩士學位及學士後證書課程及研究生奬學金之報名日期為二O一三年一月二日至三月二十九日。申請人須於報名期間登入研究生院網頁 http://www.umac.mo/grs/admissions.html 提交網上申請表。入學規則可同時於此網頁下載。

感兴趣的同学可直接联系Dr. Wai-Meng QUACH,并于2013年3月29日前将简历等相关材料发送至wmquach@umac.mo。

*2013/2014學年之博士學位課程有以下三種報名選擇。請情請瀏覽本院網頁 http://www.umac.mo/grs/admissions.html 。

- 普通招生

- 碩博連讀

- 直接讀博

如有任何查詢,請於辦公時間致電(853)83974898或電郵至gradschool@umac.mo 與澳门大学研究生院聯絡。

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