- [文远讲坛197期]Prof. Ken S. Sivakumaran - Reinforcement Strategies for Cold-Formed Stee...2019-05-22
- [文远讲坛196期]Prof. Hsien-Yang Yeh - A Study of Stress Concentration and Elastic Modul...2019-05-13
- [文远讲坛195期]Dr. Susan Huang - An Introduction to Post-Tensioned Floor Design2019-04-19
- [文远讲坛194期]Prof. John Dalsgaard Sørensen - Reliability aspects for offshore wind tu...2019-04-11
- [文远讲坛193期]Workshop on “Prestressed Strengthening of Concrete and Metallic Structu...2019-03-14
- [文远讲坛192期]Prof. Scott Smith-How to Publish a Peer-Reviewed Journal Paper / Applica...2019-01-21
- [文远讲坛174期]Prof. Y C Wang(王永昌)-A brief history of stressed skin action and new a...2018-07-24
- [文远讲坛173期]Prof. Volker Slowik-Capillary Shrinkage Cracking in Concrete – Experime...2018-07-12
- [文远讲坛172期]Prof. Fu-pen Chiang-Developments of Optical Stress Analysis Techniques a...2018-07-10
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- [文远讲坛168期]Prof. Roberto Ballarini-Adventures in Structural Design Using Theoretica...2018-06-11
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- [文远讲坛166期]Dr Susan Huang-Value Engineering in Design and Construction of Residenti...2018-05-25
- [文远讲坛165期] Prof. Michael Engelhardt-Tests and Analysis of Shear Studs at Elevated ...2018-05-23
- [文远讲坛164期]Prof. Stefan Winter-Fire safety design for timber buildings2018-04-26
- [文远讲坛163期]Prof. Chengqing Wu-Reinforced High Performance Geopolymer Concrete Slabs...2018-04-24
- [文远讲坛162期]王永昌教授-Construction Circular Economy2018-04-03
- [文远讲坛161期]Dr. Tianjian Ji-Systematic Reviews for Engineering2018-04-03