- [全英语专业课程教学研讨会4] Earthquake Engineering2011-11-10
- [文远讲坛第31期] Prof. Massimo Majowiecki——Uncertainties in Reliability assessment: ...2011-11-10
- [文远讲坛第30期] Prof. Massimo Majowiecki——Conceptual and design philosophy2011-11-10
- [文远讲坛第29期] Prof. Erik Vanmarcke—— Wind and Earthquake Engineering Applications ...2011-11-09
- [文远讲坛第28期] Prof. Erik Vanmarcke—— Basic Concepts and Methods of Random Fields2011-11-06
- [全英语专业课程教学研讨会3] Structural dynamics2011-11-04
- 李孟杰博士——建筑卫生与管路设备耐震探讨2011-11-01
- [全英语专业课程教学研讨会2] 钢-混凝土混合结构2011-11-01
- [文远讲坛第27期] B.F. Spencer, Jr.—— Frontiers in Smart Structures Technology2011-10-24
- Christos T. Georgakis副教授——Bridging with cables: Vibrations, fatigue and aerodynami...2011-10-19
- [文远讲坛第26期] 葛汉彬教授——Research Progresses on Seismic andDamage-Controlled Des...2011-10-17
- [全英语专业课程教学研讨会1] 有限单元法2011-10-14
- [文远讲坛第25期] Prof. Ben Young——Excellence in Teaching = f(x) What is f(x) ?2011-10-07
- [文远讲坛第24期] 赵衍刚教授—Methods of Moment for Structural Reliability2011-09-05
- [文远讲坛第23期]Dr. Tak-Ming CHAN—Recent research on tubular structures2011-08-29
- Prof. Yi Liu—Concrete masonry infilled steel frames under in-plane lateral loading2011-08-13
- [文远讲坛第22期] Dr J. F. Chen-- A Fundamental Approach for Understanding and Predictin...2011-06-29
- [文远讲坛第21期] 王仕统教授--结构新分类与全钢结构设计之我见2011-06-14
- [文远讲坛第19期] Prof. Jeffrey Packer- Hollow Section Braces and their Connection...2011-06-03
- [文远讲坛第18期] Prof. Ross B. Corotis- (1) Life Cycle Engineering: The Forty Year Road...2011-05-31